Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Give a Little Somethin'

How does a 20-something-year-old afford to buy a one-way ticket to a foreign destination and travel carefree for an indefinite amount of time? While here in Costa Rica and continually crossing paths with vacationers I get asked this all the time, and my answer is this: I’ve never known the direction of where my life is headed, but for me and for others like me, I have always thought there is too much to see in our world to sit around in restless anxiety while waiting for our futures to be dictated by somebody else. Opportunities are more often found than given freely. So really, there is much more to lose in maintaining a blind eye to the world outside of home.

As far as money, I try to keep its importance to a minimum. For three months I have been traveling around Costa Rica while maintaining a $10 daily budget and often much less. But occasionally I am met with an unexpected park fee of $25 dollars, or a street dog who mistakes one of my shoes as a midnight snack, or a battle with a rapidly growing mold which, more often than not, destroys some important piece of camping equipment. I’m going be honest; I could really use some help recovering from these recurring calamities.

So for those family and friends who support my dream to experience the world, and want to be apart of it, I want to open to you the opportunity for a mutual exchange. In the right tab is a Paypal link where you can help me out with $10 or so, and in exchange, I will send you a personal, hand-written postcard with an update of my travels. It could be a one-time thing, or you could follow my trip with a postcard every month. It’s entirely up to you. Think of it as treating me to something different from the regular diet of rice and beans or a cup of hot coffee for the cold nights sleeping outside. Every bit of help is hugely appreciated!

Click on the PayPal link in the upper right tab, sign in to you Paypal account, and donate. Along with your donation be sure to include the address where you would like to receive your postcard!